International Rallies Arrive at Marina de Lagos 2008
For the 14th consecutive year, Marina de Lagos is associated with the World Cruising Club in the organisation and reception of the participants in the ARC Europe and Rally Portugal.
This year the ARC Europe fleet arrived in Lagos between the 18th and the 22nd June, having sailed off Antigua and passing by Bermuda and the Azores. Of the 20 entries, 7 crews, among British, French, Spanish, Canadian and American, chose Marina de Lagos for their final destination.
The prize giving dinner took place in the Marina’s Way Point restaurant.
After leaving Plymouth in the beginning of June, 14 yachts and about 45 crew arrived in Lagos on the 23rd June, ending their journey that started in Plymouth, England.
Several yachts preferred our Marina to stay for the coming months, highlighting the friendliness of the staff and the quality of facilities and service.
The prize giving dinner also took place in Way Point restaurant and had the presence of Júlio Barroso, mayor of Lagos and Jorge Serpa, councillor for sports affairs.